Cultures Capsules is extremely proud to present Hippocampe Fou in a special event and concert at Littlefield in Brooklyn! Space is limited so get your tickets today. [Art by Shino]
Event Details
Join us the afternoon of Saturday, February 8th for some French Hip Hop + French snacks + fun activities to take us inside the music and lyrics of Hippocampe Fou.
- Saturday, 8Feb @ Littlefield in Brooklyn
- 3pm: Activities, games and giveaways for all ages that involve his music and lyrics as well as bit of French culture
- 4pm: Apéro, goûter & Hippocampe Fou, live, with special guests!
- Early bird tickets $25 before 2-Feb so get yours today.
WARNING: You don’t need to know French for this! We bet you a euro you’ll fall for his his music like we did – even before fully understanding all his lyrics. Scroll down for a taste of his music, or head directly to his YouTube channel or Spotify and see for yourself.
Plus, the activities will be in English (et français, aussi).
Get your early bird tickets today, before they increase in price on 2Feb.
Hippocampe Fou
Hippocampe Fou is a French rapper who is highly recognized for his fluid, ultra-fast flow which oscillates between spoken word and rap, as well as his ability to rap over any type of rhythm and bpm. With his Trilogy of three albums built around the water cycle, a musical in the works (“L’Odyssée d’Hippo”), numerous collaborations, and hundreds of gigs under his belt, he is a tireless artist.

After living between NY and Paris for almost 3 years, he is moving back to France soon and looks forward to taking us on a musical journey apéro-style before he leaves. Please join us as he performs new and old tunes, invites a few special guests to join him, and offers us some fun ways to interact with his music before the show.
The Music of HIPPO
In addition to many collaborations, Hippocampe Fou has 3 solo albums, which he wrote as a trilogy around the water circle.
In his first album Aquatrip, he invites his listeners to dive into his surrealistic world. Then Céleste was more spiritual, aimed the seventh heavens, mimicking the path of water vapors rise up in evaporation. His third album is extremely introspective, diving deep inside himself as he follows the rain as as it seeps down into the ground: Terminus.
For an audio + visual taste of Hippocampe Fou? Head to his YouTube page for amazing (artful and comical) music videos and music itself, or put on this free Spotify playlist on shuffle and have a listen.
The video for “Le Mal du Pays” below is really fun one he created himself, and anyone who knows New York will especially appreciate it. And while you’re there check out out other varied and awesome official videos on his YouTube page.
Hippocampe Fou Anthology Playlist
… or put on this free Spotify playlist on shuffle and have a listen.
And don’t forget to follow it to keep it handy.
Here’s one more favorite video:
Fun fact: yours truly did the English subtitles which you see in the video for “Underground,”
careful to translate poetically, not just Google Translate.
Apéro: the lovely french tradition of a wine/light cocktail and small bites in the late afternoon / early evening.

At Cultures Capsules, we like our events to dazzle all the senses at once, so in addition to the music of HIPPO, we will bring in the tastes of an apéro to this performance, enhancing the experience, and virtually transporting us to Paris with him.
In fact HIPPO references apéro in his song “Le Mal du Pays,” which means “Homesick.”
J’veux m’balader, la nuit dans Paris
~ I want to be hanging out, evenings in Paris.
Du bon fromage avec mes amis
~ Eating some good cheese with my friends
The above photo is from an anniversary trip to California over the summer of 2019. We were staying in a sweet little cottage in Guerneville, overlooking this vineyard. As you can see it was a perfect spot for an apéro. We had visited Cobb wines earlier that day, and he sent us home with two amazingly delicious bottles. Highly recommend!
… you already got your tickets, right?